What’s Coming Up?
Equip to Advance
Support the academic advancement of our students: Military Veterans, Missionaries, International Students, and Disciplers both in the USA and abroad!
Our students need your help this year as many are facing financial decisions that could impact their education at Faith Bible College. Please consider joining us for Giving Tuesday, November 29, as we launch our year-end donation season.
You can help make it possible for our students to prepare for how God wants to use them locally and around the world!
If we don't discuss it, who will?
There are some discussions that are needed but are not comfortable. But if we don't know how to talk with folks, how can we be the light and truth that God commands us to be? Join us for this 4-night forum to discuss the topic of transgenderism. Our prayer is that we be able to share God's truth with love among our family, friends, and community.
Spring 2023 Course Listings: January 9 - May 5
(All courses are 15 weeks and 3 credits each)
Mondays 6:30pm - 9:30pm in person or Zoom
Advanced Bible Study Methods (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Tuesdays noon - 3pm in person or Zoom
Soteriology: God's Work of Salvation for Humanity (Rev. Dale Parker, MDiv)
Tuesdays 6:30pm - 9:30pm in person or Zoom
New Testament History and Literature II (Rev. Greg La Belle, MA)
Romans (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Wednesdays 6:30pm - 9:30pm in person or Zoom
Spiritual Transformation II (Rev. Dale Parker, MDiv)
Thursdays 6:30pm - 9:30pm in person or Zoom
Doctrinal Survey II (Rev. Bryan Breland, MAR)
Self-Paced Independent Study Classes (online)
Academic Research & Writing (Mrs. Renee Carey, MSI)
Biblical Communication (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Cross Cultural Ministry (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Hermeneutics (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
How We Got Our Bible (Taught through Zondervan; graded by Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Introduction to Apologetics (Rev. Bryan Breland, MAR)
Introduction to Career Development: Dual Enrollment (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Introduction to Counseling (Taught through Zondervan; graded by Dr. Newman, ThD)
Introduction to Missions (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Multiplying Jesus Planting Churches (Taught by Matt Fretwell; graded by Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Old Testament History & Literature II (Rev. Bryan Breland, MAR)
Unlocking the Bible (Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD)
Field Education II-VII (.5 credit hours each) are to be individually scheduled directly with Rev. Dale Parker.