Time for Thankfulness!

As you can imagine, the Bible has a lot to say about giving thanks. In fact, the terms "thanks," "thanksgiving," and other forms are found over 100 times in God's Word.

For those who find it hard to be thankful, however, allow me to give you a challenge. Read through the book of Ephesians and take notice of every time you read "in Christ," "in Him," or some form of that phrase. I promise you will come away feeling blessed and have many reasons to give thanks! Let me give you just one of the occasions of this wonderful truth:

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace." Ephesians 1:7

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. We are thankful for you!

Dr. Newman and the FBC staff

Some thankful thoughts from our students!

"I'm so thankful to be in the Introduction to Discipleship classwith many "new-to-me" brothers and sisters. We are learning and growing together, being challenged to trust God in places of ministry and life, all under the loving dedication of Dr. Hap instructing us from the Word of God, and guiding us into greater maturity in Christ. I'm grateful for this opportunity to get to know the wonderful missionaries of ISI who are in the class!"

"...I'm so very thankful for being connected and in fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ as we grow and draw nearer to OUR Faith in heaven. I as well am in (Dr. Hap'sclass) and his deep passion and love for God are very inspiring and encouraging and keep me coming back for more because I don't want to miss anything. I want to soak up as much as I can for as long as I can. God has been truly faithful and Hish and is upon FBC and for that I'm thankful... I'm thankful for Pastor Ed Haywood who is the staff's Chaplain at the Union Mission Ministries, who encouraged me to consider enrolling in FBC to expand my knowledge through an enriching foundation of education in biblical studies. I don't regret it not one bit."

"I'm super thankful to be connected to FBC, along with both the staff and the student body. It's been an amazing experience and I've felt as if I've learned so much already after the short time I've been here. I'm looking forward to spending future semesters at FBC and getting to know more and more of my fellow students."

"Starting just as a daughter to FBC students/staff, then as a student myself, and now as a staff member as well, FBC has been nurturing and praying for me for years! So, I am beyond thankful for my FBC family. In addition, something I have been cherishing a lot lately is that FBC is pouring into my husband now too - which is priceless! The truths that I have learned here have helped me tremendously, not only in my personal life but as someone youth can turn to with confidence... What an honor it is to be serving a God who is always active and moving in mighty ways!"


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