For Everything There is a Season

As we have come to the end of another fantastic semester, I am reminded of the words of King Solomon (Eccl. 3:1). He stated that, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven (ESV).” We all know this reality intuitively and experience this reality in differing ways depending upon our perspective. The season which has just come to pass will not come again in exactly the same way. If it was a good season, that reality may bring some anxiety or fear for the upcoming season. If it was not a terribly good season, that reality may bring a sense of relief or hope for the upcoming season.

For each of us, the end of one season and the beginning of another is a time to reflect on what has happened and what we wish to happen going forward. As students, faculty, board members, and supporters of FBC, I would like to challenge each of us to reflect on what God was doing in the season which has just passed, and how He was trying to prepare us for the one to come. I would also like to challenge each of us to go into this next season with the expectation that because He is I AM, we can! Because He is I AM, we can expect the I AM of last season to be the I AM in the next. Because He is I AM, we can trust that He will draw near to us as we draw near to Him. Because He is I AM, we can go forward with boldness and confidence that this next season will bring Him glory and us closer to His kingdom!

For me, a new season has already begun. When I stepped into the role of Academic Dean of FBC, I knew that it would likely be for a season. I thought that it might be for a longer season, but God has chosen otherwise. God has grown the church I get to pastor more than twofold, and the needs of His people have grown with it. As a result, this semester will be my last as the Academic Dean of FBC. It has been an incredible honor to serve you all in this role. While my role as Academic Dean is coming to an end, my service to you and the college will not. I will continue to be a member of the faculty and a supporter of the college as well. I thank you all for allowing me to be a part of this grand journey with God at FBC!

Rev. Bryan K Breland.

Would you pray with us?

As our Spring season changes to Summer, would you please keep FBC in your prayers? Here are specifics we are praying about:

  • For the health and mental strength of our students as they finish their final projects, papers, and assignments, and for a smooth and meaningful celebration for our graduates

  • For a new Academic Dean who has a heart for God, FBC, and our students, and the skills needed to thrive here (We’re praising God for the work Bryan Breland was able to do!)

  • For someone(s) to help us in the strategic areas of fundraising/development, legacy giving, and a veterans endowment (3 volunteers or 1 person with many skills)

  • For God's favor financially as we head into a typically lean time of year and that He bless our efforts to be good stewards of His resources

  • For this year's Hap Cup to be a terrific event of fun and relaxing fellowship as well as a successful fundraiser

Would you like prayer?

At FBC prayer is a HIGH priority! We would love to pray will you during this season for your life. Feel free to send an email to our Director of Student Life, she will connect with you and spend time in prayer.


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Eternal Encouragement