Our Supporters

Faith Bible College exists to equip Christian students to be Grounded in the Word, Growing in Christ, and Giving Back to the Church!

We asked some of our donors a few questions to find out more about them and their ties with Faith Bible College. (They could check more than one response for the first 2 questions.) Here's what we learned:

How did you first hear about FBC?

25% Church or Pastor, 15% Friend or Family member, 55% FBC faculty, staff or Board member, 15% Other (included Lighthouse 100 radio)

What compels you to give (monetarily, book donations, etc.) to Faith Bible College?


"To advance His kingdom"

"I believe in what FBC stands for!"

"Belief in the mission of the school"

"The opportunity to aid in the Biblical education of our students"

"FBC has a mission to fulfill in teaching God's Word that is worth supporting."

"I enjoy spending time in God's word and I would like others to be able to also"

"I love learning the Word of God and providing opportunities for others to learn as well."

"We believe in the standards that Faith holds to and want to keep Biblical truth being taught and lived."

"I respect the work that they do. I know the Bible is taught diligently, and God is loved and worshiped. And the students have gone out into the world and spread the Gospel."

"I know that Faith is a place where people encounter the truth of God and grow in their personal relationship with God because of the things they are learning, so I give because I know my money will be put to good use and therefore impact the kingdom of God."

"Strategic location for the military. Emphasis upon a Bible centered, spiritually driven approach to education"

"I believe what FBC is doing is led by God and can help so many Christians."

"The importance of Biblical education to advancing the Kingdom of God"

"Because it is associated with my long-time friend, Hap Struthers"

"I always do those things that please the Father."

"God-given ability to fill a need."

"Simply committed"

"Needs that arise"

What 3 words come to mind when you think of FBC?

Biblical (5), grounded (2), growing (2), giving, faithful (2), faith, teaching biblical truth, excellent instruction, truth, truthfulness, loving, love of Jesus, God, learning about God, Christ-centered, Christ honoring & oriented, laborers, world, fellowship, brotherhood, caring, student focused, genuine, thoughtful, wealth-of-knowledge, gracious, family, inspiring, encouraging, quality, integrity, parochial, support the church, resourceful, accessible, serving, conservative, doctrinal, sincerity, founded in Faith

How do you receive information from or about FBC?

75% letters & newsletters by mail, 55% letters & newsletters by email, 20% word of mouth, 15% I'm a student, 45% I'm staff, faculty, or Board member

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