Eternal Encouragement

By Pastor Bryan Breland, Academic Dean

Our life on earth and with Christ is occasionally filled with loss, sorrow, suffering, trials, and tribulations. In seasons such as these, it is so easy to allow our circumstances to drive our emotional state. In fact, prolonged periods of depression and sorrow are part of the human experience. But what if there was another, better way? What if we could still experience joy and peace in the midst of our darkest hours? How can we experience joy and peace in seasons such as these?

Thankfully, as Christ followers, we don’t have to be overcome or overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. We have the promises of God, secured by Christ, and sustained by the Holy Spirit to guide our response to difficult times. While the Scriptures are filled with encouraging passages for difficult times, the words of Christ in John 10:10 stand out as a singular point of encouragement. Following His statement that those who enter the “sheepfold” by Him will be saved (eternal life), Jesus makes an incredible proclamation of reality and life altering truth. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life (eternal & temporal) and have it more abundantly.

How do these simple yet profound words affect our response to difficult life circumstances? The “abundant life” Christ promises is not found in the things of temporal life which come and go. The life Christ promises is found in a complete satisfaction in Him which, when it comes never leaves. That satisfaction grows when we understand that the Father has granted us full rights as His child and, therefore, we are joint heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:16-17). We are, therefore, heirs of God’s eternal kingdom of which we will take full possession when we enter eternity. Our inheritance cannot be stolen or destroyed by the thief, and it cannot be lost.

So, the next time we find ourselves in a season of loss, let us be reminded of what cannot be lost. When we find ourselves in a season of depression over difficult circumstances, let us be reminded of the joy of our eternal life circumstances. When we find ourselves in a season of lacking, let us be reminded of the Abundant Life we have in Christ Jesus!

Prayer is vital to Faith Bible College

Our staff prays together every week. We pray for the College. We pray for our students and FBC community. We pray for our donors and those who faithfully pray for us. We pray for our families and friends. This is God's ministry. We can only do our best if we have and follow His direction. If you have prayer requests, specific or general, let us know. We would be honored to take you before His Throne of Grace. (Our office: 757-423-2095)

Would you also pray for us?

We praise God for His faithfulness as He continues to help our students develop their relationships in the Lord and share Him in their wide variety of ministries! Over the next few months, please join our staff as we pray for...

  • our students as they balance their home, work, and course loads, including our dual enrollment students as they handle college-level classes.

  • faculty and staff to stay healthy as they balance their responsibilities and represent the Lord well in their work.

  • scholarship funds for our veterans as we are no longer receiving GI Bill tuition assistance.

  • new students to desire a solid biblical foundation through FBC discipleship and teaching.



For Everything There is a Season


A World of Possibilities