A Word from Our President Emeritus

Dear friends of FBC, Life is filled with storms, both physical and spiritual!

While in the Navy back in 1960 I was stationed aboard a ship in Yokosuka, Japan. A typhoon was rapidly approaching and our Captain moved the ship into the middle of the bay to a typhoon anchorage. We threw over four anchors, two off the bow and two off the stern of the ship so that no matter which way the wind was blowing, the ship was securely anchored…

As I read Psalm 100, I noted four spiritual anchors that will securely protect us through the storms we assuredly and ultimately face in life.

1st Anchor: God is God! Vs. 3 says, Know that the LORD is God. The word God is Elohim in Hebrew and brings out the sovereignty of God. This means that He has absolute power, absolute control, absolute knowledge, and absolute love. I wish I had time to unpack each of these unfathomable truths but what an anchor! God is God! Our goal at FBC is that our students have this truth imbedded in their hearts and minds.

2nd Anchor: God is good! Vs. 5 says, For the LORD is good! God clearly states His goodness in Jeremiah 29:11: ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’ What an anchor for you and our students! God is good!

3rd Anchor: God is with us! The Hebrew word for LORD is Yahweh. The name Yahweh brings out two truths about God which He revealed to Moses in Exodus 3, namely, relationship and presence. For the first time, God calls the nation My people! Folks, we’re God’s kids and He is going to take care of us. Moses is asked by God to lead His people out of Egypt. Moses responds, No way, LORD; I can’t do it! God responds, I will be with you! When the inevitable storms hit, just remember who is at your side, your heavenly Daddy, Abba Father! What an anchor! God is with us!

4th Anchor: God is our Shepherd! Vs. 3: We are His people (relationship) and the sheep of His pasture! WOW! Our Shepherd! Shepherds protect, guide, provide, comfort and just take care of their sheep. Jesus says in John 10:14. I am the good Shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me. Jesus knows me, my weaknesses, my cares, my frustrations, and yes, my storms. God is our Shepherd! What an anchor!

As I stated above, our goal at FBC is to help our students and those to whom they will minister the rest of their lives, to have these four truths imbedded in their spiritual DNA. Storms, opportunities, challenges of every spectrum will be encountered in life’s journey, but these four anchors deeply rooted in our hearts and entrenched in the Holy of Holies will not only keep us from the rocks of worry and failure, but enable us to be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) in every challenge we face. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. Hebrews 6:19.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support of Faith Bible College as we continue to proclaim these amazing and life-changing anchors to both our students and to a storm tossed world so desperately needing anchors for their souls!

Because of Him,

Hap B.H. Struthers,

PhD President Emeritus


What’s Coming Up?


A Letter From Our President