Count Your Blessings!

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work.” II Corinthians 9:8

We at Faith Bible College have witnessed so many blessings! As 2023 closes, join us in honoring God through these blessings shared by our students and staff.

• FBC students, family, & friends were able to gather to enjoy each other and celebrate Fall!

• Our student body grows in more ways than one! Two of our students added newborn daughters to their families. Newlyweds joined us within weeks of their wedding.

• “To really understand (the Bible), it is important to understand the historical and cultural context. Dr. Newman provided this information as though we were there.” (from a student in the Daniel class)

• “I’m grateful for my husband's new job - God has truly blessed him in the work of his hands! We had a great summer visit with all my kids at once - a first now that they are all adults:)”

• Our Venezuelan student who works with Global Friendship Ministries is translating one of our courses into Spanish.

• “God has blessed me with strength and activity of my limbs and muscles day by day; with encouragement from family, friends, people from church, and people at FBC; and understanding and knowledge to complete my coursework successfully.”

• An anonymous donor has given an FBC student a full scholarship!

• “The Lord has been providing in unexpected ways! His timing has been perfect as He provided me with the Eschatology class after having many questions rise within my personal life. And He led me through the process of writing and publishing a baby book!”

• Two of the churches we have partnered with had anniversary celebrations—one for 33 years and one for 60 years! Two more churches have opened their doors to us holding studies for their members.

• “Dr. Hap has been such a blessing to our Study in the Psalms this semester. I had read the Book of Psalms many times before but now I have a much better understanding of the structure of the book. It was also a blessing to meet new Christians who love God’s Word.”

• FBC has enjoyed folks from Source of Light Ministries and International Students Inc (ISI) in classes this year.

• Giving Tuesday gave us a good start for our year-end financial commitments. To date, our donors, students, staff, faculty, and board have donated $25,380! Praise God for our donors and prayer warriors—what a blessing!

• Members of ICM and FBC met to brainstorm how we may partner to expand the Kingdom globally.

• Through Zoom, Chap. Parker holds a weekly Bible study with a sweet fellowship in Pakistan.


What’s Coming Up?


Welcome to the Team!