Online Independent Courses

These classes are available to take online only. As a student you will have 15 weeks to complete each course, with access to an instructor for questions and grading purposes. Our current course offerings are shown at the top of the following list, noted by the SEMESTER and YEAR.

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  • (3 credits)

    Instructor: Mrs. Renee Carey, MSI

    This course focuses on the skills needed for college-level research and academic writing. Physical and digital research skills will be practiced as well as writing techniques from topic determination to properly formatted delivery.

  • (3 credits)

    Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Kersey, M.Ed

    Students will learn basic principles of accounting from a biblical perspective.

  • (1 credit)

    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course will survey the proof of the Existence of God, the Reliability of the Bible and the Resurrection of Christ so that the student can adequately support these topics from the Bible.

  • (3 credits)
    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course will examine the basic branches of philosophy and how they interact with biblical doctrines.

  • (3 credits)
    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course seeks to develop intercultural competencies for Christian leaders. Students will learn how to develop greater cultural self- awareness, knowledge and skills, enabling them to serve more effectively in intercultural settings in North America or around the world.

  • (3 credits)

    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course will consist of a survey of the major cultures that make up the time of the New Testament and Intertestamental Period. This course will teach the student to be able to better interpret the New Testament in its own culture. A survey of Greek, Roman, and first-century Judaistic geography, history, and daily life will be studied.

  • (3 credits)

    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course will consist of a survey of the major cultures that make up the time of the Old Testament; including Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Canaanite, Babylonian, Persian, and Israelite geography, history and daily life.

  • (3 credits)

    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Jones, DEdMin

    This course is an intensive doctrinal, historical, and theological study of the book of Genesis considering the related issues of creation, the fall, the flood, and the patriarchal cultural setting. The course will focus on foundational doctrines in Genesis in regards to the universe, earth, man, sin, and salvation.

  • (3 Credits)

    Instructor: Matthew Gay - Owner of FIT Coach USA, Certified Personal Trainer, and Author of FIT Church.

    This course is designed to help students map out a biblical and evidence-based approach to healthy living.

  • (3 credits)
    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course is an examination of general and specific principles of biblical interpretation and the inductive method of Bible study. Emphasis is given to the normal, grammatical-historical-cultural method of interpretation, which provides the student with a complete methodology that can be used to study any book of the Bible.

  • (3 credits)
    Instructor: Dr. Bob Munson, ThD

    This course seeks to help students gain familiarity with major movements and participants in the Christian missions movement over the entirety of church history. This course seeks to give tools for the student to be able to think critically about missions history and gain (at least) tentative understanding of why things happened, not just what things happened. Further, it is hoped that students will see Christian mission history not only as an activity of the church (missiones ecclesiae), but part of the activity of God (missio dei).

  • (3 credits)

    Instructor: Taught through Zondervan; graded by Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course will trace the history of the Bible from its beginnings to the present day, highlighting key figures and demonstration overall the reliability of Scripture.

  • (1, 2 or 3 credits)
    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course provides high school students with an opportunity to learn and develop the necessary skills to engage in life/career planning. This variable credit course can be taken for one, two, or three credit hours. Students can gain assistance in many areas of career development, from choosing a major and deciding on occupations to learning about resumes, interviewing, and job search strategies. The process involves thoughtful self-assessment, career exploration, planning, and follow-through with preliminary employment strategies. Textbook: None

  • (3 credits)
    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course introduces students to the history of world missions, mission strategies, and the scriptural basis for world evangelism. Each student will enhance his/her life vocation as a world Christian.

  • (3 credits)

    Instructor: Dr. Doug Hagedorn, PhD/MBA

    This course introduces the student to leadership theories, research and practices that will assist them in incorporating a biblical worldview into a formation and refining of personal and behavioral servant leadership traits and behaviors that will impact and influence the organizations and people they will connect with in their ministry, church, school, community, and families.

    The course will help the student study, reflect, develop and apply successful leadership approaches in all spheres of their lives to assist them on their spiritual journey, discover God’s call, and find purpose in examining, evaluating, and applying current leadership styles and principles

    A biblical, servant leadership approach will be emphasized and will undergird the teachings and knowledge gained through all theories.

  • (1 credit)

    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    Telling the Story is an oral inductive Bible study method that empowers the student to teach the Scripture’s narratives in a way that is engaging and discussion-based. This method can be an effective means of communicating the Gospel to people in any situation.

  • (3 credits)
    Instructor: Dr. Kevin Newman, ThD

    This course will examine the Structure of the Bible and the Story of God’s redemptive plan throughout the entire Bible.