Welcome aboard!

We are thrilled to introduce to you the two newest members of the Faith Bible College staff family!

Mrs. Lydia Hall, ABS Direct or of Student Life

Lydia and Her Husband Matt at their wedding

Some of you may already know Lydia. After taking the Unlocking the Bible course in Fall 2015, she began her degree process at FBC in Fall 2016, earning her Associate Degree in Biblical Studies in Spring 2020. Back then, she was Lydia Carey (Rob & Renee's daughter). She married a terrific Christian young man, Matt Hall, in May of this year and joined our FBC staff in June 2022. Lydia has been a faithful youth leader at Tabernacle Church of Norfolk since she graduated high school in 2015. It was there that she met Matt through their work with the youth. She values using her spiritual gifts of listening, encouraging, and praying for others. She is now putting these into practice in her new role at FBC by engaging in discipleship and connecting with students. Lydia holds her numerous short-term trips to Mexico very close to her heart. As a unit, Matt and Lydia have a passion for cross-cultural missions. They are following God's lead as they set the foundation of their marriage and are keeping missions in their future sights. Lydia thrives in the sunshine and always tries to be at the beach or exploring the great outdoors. She & Matt enjoy time with family and friends and continue to serve their youth group.

Rev. Bryan Breland, MAR, BS Academic Dean

Bryan Breland

Some of you may also know Bryan. He substituted in a few classes for his dad, Curt, in the Missions & World Evangelism course in Spring 2017 and taught our Basic Apologetics course during J-term 2022. He joined our FBC staff in July 2022. Bryan is a graduate of Liberty University (VA), and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (VA). Bryan has pastored three churches in NC and VA and is currently pastoring the fourth in VA. He has served in ministry for 25 years and is looking forward to many more years in our Lord's service. Bryan has also served as an adjunct professor at Regent University (VA). Bryan has a God-given passion for Biblical education, to lead others to become students of God's Word, and to fulfill the Great Commission. Together with his wife Elizabeth, they have three sons. They have had the privilege of taking the Gospel to five continents and are hoping to reach the last two in the near future. He and his family love to camp and are actively attempting to camp at every state park in Virginia. They are avid surfers and love to travel to enjoy the waves. They love to explore the beauty of God's creation by hiking, biking, or driving to new locations.


What’s Coming Up?